From Solomon and Saturn
[1] Hēr cȳð hū Saturnus and Saloman fettode ymbe heora wīsdōm.
[2] Þā cwæð Saturnus tō Salomane: Saga mē hwǣr God sǣte þā hē ġeworhte heofonas and eorðan. Iċ þē secge, hē sætt ofer winda feðerum.
[3] Saga mē, hwelċ wyrt is betst and sēlost? Iċ þē secge, liliġe hātte sēo wyrt, for þām þe hēo ġetācnað Crist.
[4] Saga mē, hwelċ fugel is sēlost? Iċ ðē secge, culfre is sēlost; hēo ġetācnað þone hālgan gāst.
[5] Saga mē, hwanon cymð līġetu? Iċ secge, hēo cymð fram winde and fram wætere.
[6] Saga mē, hwelċ man ǣrost wǣre wið hund sprecende? Iċ þē secge, Sanctus Petrus.
[7] Saga mē, hwæt is hefegost tō berenne on eorðan? Iċ þē secge, mannes synna and his hlāfordes yrre.
[8] Saga mē, for hwan bið sēo sunne rēad on ǣfen? Iċ þē secge, for ðām hēo lōcað on helle.
[9] Saga mē, hwȳ scīnð hēo swā rēade on morgene? Iċ þē secge, for ðām hire twēonað hwæðer hēo mæġ oþþe ne mæġ þisne middaneard ġeondscīnan swā hire beboden is.