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Sermo Lupi ad Anglos

Wulfstan (d. 1023) was Bishop of London until 1002 and then Bishop of Worcester and Archbishop of York (the two titles had been held by the same person since 972 because York under the viking kings was barely a functional see). He was an advisor to Æthelræd during the later years of his reign and wrote several of that king's law codes; he also wrote law codes for Cnut. Wulfstan was not primarily a writer of homilies; he wrote many fewer than his contemporary and correspondent Ælfric (see Bethurum 1957). The Sermo Lupi ad Anglos, however, reveals him as a writer of extraordinary power. As you read, notice the strong binary rhythms, the many rhymes and alliterations, and the chains of grammatically parallel words and phrases.

For editions of this homily, see Bethurum 1957, pp. 255-75 (which presents three different versions) and Whitelock 1963 (especially valuable for its very full annotations) In this text, -an is often written for -um and -on, and the -o- of class 2 weak verbs often appears as -e-.

Sermo Lupi ad Anglos, quando Dani maxime persecuti sunt eos, quod fuit anno millesimo xiiii ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Cristi

[1] Lēofan men, ġecnāwað þæt sōð is. [2] Ðēos worold is on ofste, and hit nēalǣċð þām ende, and þȳ hit is on worolde aa swā lenġ swā wyrse. [3] And swā hit sceal nȳde for folces synnan ǣr antecristes tōcyme yfelian swȳþe, and hūru hit wyrð þænne eġesliċ and grimliċ wīde on worolde. [4] Understandað ēac ġeorne þæt dēofol þās þēode fela ġēara dwelode swȳþe, and þæt lȳtle ġetrēowþa wǣran mid mannum, þēah wel spǣcan, and unrihta fela rīcsode on lande. [5] And næs ā fela manna þe smēade ymbe þā bōte swā ġeorne swā man scolde, ac dæġhwāmlīċe man īhte yfel æfter ōðrum and unriht rǣrde and unlaga maneġe ealles wīde ġynd ealle þās þēode. [6] And ēac for þām habbað fela byrsta and bysmara ġebiden, and ġif ǣniġe bōte ġebīdan scylan, þonne mōte þæs Gode earnian bet þonne ǣr þysan dydan, [7] for þām mid miċlan earnungan ġeearnedan þā yrmða þe ūs onsittað, and mid swȳþe miċelan earnungan þā bōte mōtan æt Gode ġerǣċan ġif hit sceal heonanforð gōdiende weorðan. [8] hwæt, witan ful ġeorne þæt miċlan bryċe sceal miċel bōt nȳde, and miċlan bryne wæter unlȳtel, ġif man þæt fȳr sceal āhte ācwenċan. [9] And miċel is nȳdþearf manna ġehwilċum þæt Godes lage ġȳme heonanforð ġeorne and Godes ġerihta mid rihte ġelǣste. [10] On hǣþenum þēodum ne dear man forhealdan lȳtel ne miċel þæs þe ġelagod is ġedwolgoda weorðunge, and forhealdað ǣġhwǣr Godes ġerihta ealles ġelōme. [11] And ne dear man ġewanian on hǣþenum þēodum inne ne ūte ǣniġ þǣra þinga þe ġedwolgodan brōht bið and lācum betǣht bið, and habbað Godes hūs inne and ūte clǣne berȳpte, and Godes þēowas syndan mǣþe and munde ġewelhwǣr bedǣlde. [12] And ġedwolgoda þēnan ne dear man misbēodan on ǣniġe wīsan mid hǣþenum lēodum, swā swā man Godes þēowum dēð wīde þǣr Cristene scoldan Godes lage healdan and Godes þēowas griðian.

[13] Ac sōð is þæt secge: þearf is þǣre bōte, for þām Godes ġerihta wanedan lange innan þysse þēode on ǣġhwylċan ænde, and folclaga wyrsedan ealles swȳþe, and hāliġnessa syndan griðlēase wīde, and Godes hūs syndan clǣne berȳpte ealdra ġerihta and innan bestrȳpte ǣlċra ġerisena. [14] And wydewan syndan fornȳdde on unriht ċeorle, and mæneġe foryrmde and ġehȳnede swȳþe, and earme men syndan sāre beswicene and hrēowlīċe besyrwde and ūt of þysan earde wīde ġesealde, swȳþe unforworhte, fremdum ġewealde, [15] and cradolċild ġeþēowede þurh wælhrēowe unlaga for lȳtelre þȳfþe wīde ġynd þās þēode, and frēoriht fornumene and þrǣlriht ġenyrwde and ælmæsriht ġewanode; and, hrædest is tō cweþenne, Godes laga lāðe and lāra forsāwene. [16] And þæs habbað ealle þurh Godes yrre bysmor ġelōme, ġecnāwe se ðe cunne; and se byrst wyrð ġemǣne, þēh man swā ne wēne, eallre þysse þēode, būtan God beorge.

[17] For þām hit is on ūs eallum swutol and ġesēne þæt ǣr þysan oftor brǣcan þonne bēttan, and þȳ is þysse þēode fela onsǣġe. [18] Ne dohte hit lange inne ne ūte, ac wæs here and hunger, bryne and blōdgyte on ġewelhwylċan ende oft and ġelōme. [19] And ūs stalu and cwalu, strīċ and steorfa, orfcwealm and uncoþu, hōl and hete and rȳpera rēaflāc derede swȳþe þearle, and ūs unġylda swȳþe ġedrehtan, and ūs unwedera foroft wēoldan unwæstma. [20] For þām on þysan earde wæs, swā hit þinċan mæġ, fela ġēara unriht fela and tealte ġetrȳwða ǣġhwǣr mid mannum. [21] Ne bearh foroft ġesib ġesibban þe þe fremdan, ne fæder his bearne, ne hwīlum bearn his āgenum fæder, ne brōþor ōþrum; ne ūre ǣniġ his līf ne fadode swā swā scolde, ne ġehādode regollīċe, ne lǣwede lahlīċe. [22] Ac worhtan lust ūs lage ealles ġelōme, and nāþor ne hēoldan ne lāre ne lage Godes ne manna swā swā scoldan. [23] Ne ǣniġ wið ōþerne ġetrȳwlīċe þōhte swā rihte swā scolde, ac mǣst ǣlċ swicode and ōþrum derede wordes and dǣde, and hūru unrihtlīċe mǣst ǣlċ ōþerne æftan hēaweþ sceandlican onscytan, māre ġif mæġe.

[24] For þām hēr syn on lande unġetrȳwþa miċle for Gode and for worolde, and eac hēr syn on earde on mistliċe wīsan hlāfordswican maneġe. [25] And ealra mǣst hlāfordswice se bið on worolde þæt man his hlāfordes sāule beswīce, and ful miċel hlāfordswice ēac bið on worolde þæt man his hlāford of līfe forrǣde oððon of lande lifiendne drīfe; and ǣġþer is ġeworden on þysan earde: [26] Ēadweard man forrǣdde and syððan ācwealde and æfter þām forbærnde. [27] And godsibbas and godbearn fela man forspilde wīde ġynd þās þēode tōēacan ōðran ealles manegan þe man unscyldiġe forfor ealles wīde. [28] And ealles maneġe hāliġe stōwa wīde forwurdan þurh þæt þe man sume men ǣr þām ġelōgode, swā man ne scolde ġif man on Godes griðe mǣþe witan wolde. [29] And Cristenes folces fela man ġesealde ūt of þysan earde ealle hwīle; and eal þæt is Gode lāð, ġelȳfe se þe wille. [30] And scandliċ is tō specenne þæt ġeworden is wīde, and eġesliċ is tō witanne þæt oft dōð maneġe þe drēogað þā yrmþe, þæt scēotað tōgædere and āne cwenan ġemǣnum ċēape bicgað ġemǣne, and wið þā āne fȳlþe ādrēogað, ān æfter ānum and ǣlċ æfter ōðrum, hundum ġelīccast þe for fȳlþe ne scrīfað, [31] and syððan wið weorðe syllað of lande fēondum ġewealde Godes ġesceafte and his āgenne ċēap þe dēore ġebohte.

[32] Ēac witan ġeorne hwǣr sēo yrmð ġewearð þæt fæder ġesealde bearn wið weorþe and bearn his mōdor, and brōþor sealde ōþerne fremdum ġewealde; and eal þæt syndan miċle and eġeslīċe dǣda, understande se þe wille. [33] And ġīt hit is māre and ēac mæniġfealdre þæt dereð þysse þēode. [34] Mæniġe synd forsworene and swȳþe forlogene, and wed synd tōbrocene oft and ġelōme, and þæt is ġesȳne on þysse þēode þæt ūs Godes yrre hetelīċe onsit, ġecnāwe se þe cunne.

[35] And lā, mæġ māre scamu þurh Godes yrre mannum ġelimpan þonne ūs dēð ġelōme for āgenum ġewyrhtum? [36] Ðēh þrǣla hwylċ hlāforde ætlēape and of Cristendōme wīċinge weorþe, and hit æfter þām eft ġeweorþe þæt wǣpnġewrixl weorðe ġemǣne þeġene and þrǣle, ġif þrǣl þæne þeġen fullīċe āfylle, licge ǣġylde ealre his mǣġðe. [37] And ġif se þeġen þæne þrǣl þe ǣr āhte fullīċe āfylle, ġylde þeġenġylde. [38] Ful earhlīċe laga and scandlīċe nȳdġyld þurh Godes yrre ūs syn ġemǣne, understande se þe cunne, and fela unġelimpa ġelimpð þysse þēode oft and ġelōme. [39] Ne dohte hit lange inne ne ūte, ac wæs here and hete on ġewelhwilċan ende oft and ġelōme, and Engle lange eal siġelēase and swȳþe ġeyriġde þurh Godes yrre, and flotmen swā strange þurh Godes þafunge þæt oft on ġefeohte ān fēseð tȳne and hwīlum lǣs, hwīlum mā, eal for ūrum synnum. [40] And oft tȳne oððe twelfe, ǣlċ æfter ōþrum, scendað bysmore þæs þeġenes cwenan and hwīlum his dohtor oððe nȳdmāgan þǣr on lōcað þe lǣt hine sylfne rancne and rīċne and ġenōh gōdne ǣr þæt ġewurde. [41] And oft þrǣl þæne þeġen þe ǣr wæs his hlāford cnyt swȳþe fæste and wyrċð him þrǣle þurh Godes yrre. [42] þǣre yrmðe and þǣre woroldscame þe habbað Engle, eal þurh Godes yrre. [43] Oft twēġen sǣmen oððe þrȳ hwīlum drīfað þā drāfe Cristenra manna fram ūt þurh þās þēode ġewelede tōgædre, ūs eallum woroldscame, ġif on eornost ǣniġe cūþon āriht understandan. [44] Ac ealne þæne bysmor þe oft þoliað ġyldað mid weorðscipe þām þe ūs scendað. [45] him ġyldað singallīċe, and ūs hȳnað dæġhwāmlīċe. [46] hergiað and bærnað, rȳpaþ and rēafiað and scipe lǣdað; and lā, hwæt is ǣniġ ōðer on eallum þām ġelimpum būtan Godes yrre ofer þās þēode, swutol and ġesǣne?

[47] Nis ēac nān wundor þēah ūs mislimpe, for þām witan ful ġeorne þæt fela ġēara menn ne rōhtan foroft hwæt worhtan wordes oððe dǣde, ac wearð þes þēodscipe, swā hit þinċan mæġ, swȳþe forsyngod þurh mæniġfealde synna and þurh fela misdǣda: [48] þurh morðdǣda and þurh māndǣda, þurh ġitsunga and þurh ġīfernessa, þurh stala and þurh strūdunga, þurh mannsylena and þurh hǣþene unsida, þurh swicdōmas and þurh searacræftas, þurh lahbryċas and þurh ǣswicas, þurh mǣġrǣsas and þurh manslyhtas, þurh hādbryċas and þurh ǣwbryċas, þurh sibleġeru and þurh mistliċe forliġru. [49] And ēac syndan wīde, swā ǣr cwǣdan, þurh āðbriċas and þurh wedbryċas and þurh mistliċe lēasunga forloren and forlogen þonne scolde, and frēolsbriċas and fæstenbryċas wīde ġeworhte oft and ġelōme. [50] And ēac hēr syn on earde apostatan ābroþene and ċyriċhatan hetole and lēodhatan grimme ealles maneġe, and oferhogan wīde godcundra rihtlaga and Cristenra þēawa, and hocorwyrde dysiġe ǣġhwǣr on þēode - oftost on þā þing þe Godes bodan bēodaþ and swȳþost on þā þing þe ǣfre Godes lage ġebyriað mid rihte. [51] And þȳ is ġeworden wīde and sīde ful yfelan ġewunan, þæt menn swȳþor scamað for gōddǣdan þonne for misdǣdan, for þām oft man mid hocere gōddǣda hyrweð and godfyrhte lehtreð ealles swȳþe; [52] and swȳþost man tǣleð and mid olle ġegrēteð ealles ġelōme þā þe riht lufiað and Godes eġe habbað be ǣnigum dǣle. [53] And þurh þæt þe man swā dēð þæt man eal hyrweð þæt man scolde herian and forð lāðet þæt man scolde lufian, þurh þæt man ġebringeð ealles maneġe on yfelan ġeþance and on undǣde, swā þæt ne scamað þēh syngian swȳðe and wið God sylfne forwyrċan mid ealle, [54] ac for īdelan onscytan scamað þæt bētan heora misdǣda, swā swā bēċ tǣċan, ġelīċe þām dwǣsan þe for heora prȳtan lēwe nellað beorgan ǣr ne magan, þēh eal willan.

[55] Hēr syndan þurh synlēawa, swā hit þinċan mæġ, sāre ġelēwede maneġe on earde. [56] Hēr syndan mannslagan and mǣġslagan and mæsserbanan and mynsterhatan; and hēr syndan mānsworan and morþorwyrhtan; and hēr syndan myltestran and bearnmyrðran and fūle forleġene hōringas maneġe; and hēr syndan wiċċan and wælcyrian; and hēr syndan rȳperas and rēaferas and woroldstrūderas and, hrædest is tō cweþenne, māna and misdǣda unġerīm ealra. [57] And þæs ūs ne scamað nā, ac þæs ūs scamað swȳþe þæt bōte āġinnan swā swā bēċ tǣċan, and þæt is ġesȳne on þysse earman forsyngodon þēode. [58] Ēalā, miċel magan maneġe ġȳt hērtōēacan ēaþe beþenċan þæs þe ān man ne mehte on hrædinge āsmēaġan, earmlīċe hit ġefaren is ealle hwīle wīde ġynd þās þēode. [59] And smēaġe hūru ġeorne ġehwā hine sylfne and þæs ne latiġe ealles lange. [60] Ac lā, on Godes naman wutan dōn swā ūs nēod is, beorgan ūs sylfum swā ġeornost magan þe lǣs ætgædere ealle forweorðan.

[61] Ān þēodwita wæs on Brytta tīdum, Gildas hātte. [62] Se āwrāt be heora misdǣdum mid heora synnum swā oferlīċe swȳþe God ġegræmedan þæt lēt æt nȳhstan Engla here heora eard ġewinnan and Brytta dugeþe fordōn mid ealle. [63] And þæt wæs ġeworden, þæs þe sǣde, þurh rīċra rēaflāc and þurh ġītsunge wōhgestrēona, ðurh lēode unlaga and þurh wōhdōmas, ðurh biscopa āsolcennesse and þurh lȳðre yrhðe Godes bydela þe sōþes ġeswugedan ealles ġelōme and clumedan mid ċeaflum þǣr scoldan clypian. [64] Þurh fūlne ēac folces gǣlsan and þurh oferfylla and mæniġfealde synna heora eard forworhtan and selfe forwurdan. [65] Ac utan dōn swā ūs þearf is, warnian ūs be swilċan; and sōþ is þæt secge, wyrsan dǣda witan mid Englum þonne mid Bryttan āhwār ġehȳrdan. [66] And þȳ ūs is þearf miċel þæt ūs beþenċan and wið God sylfne þingian ġeorne. [67] And utan dōn swā ūs þearf is, ġebūgan rihte and be suman dǣle unriht forlǣtan and bētan swȳþe ġeorne þæt ǣr brǣcan. [68] And utan God lufian and Godes lagum fylġean, and ġelǣstan swȳþe ġeorne þæt þæt behētan þā fulluht underfēngan, oððon þā þe æt fulluhte ūre forespecan wǣran. [69] And utan word and weorc rihtlīċe fadian and ūre inġeþanc clǣnsian ġeorne and āð and wed wærlīċe healdan and sume ġetrȳwða habban ūs betwēonan būtan uncræftan. [70] And utan ġelōme understandan þone miċlan dōm þe ealle sculon, and beorgan ūs ġeorne wið þone weallendan bryne hellewītes, and ġeearnian ūs þā mǣrða and þā myrhða þe God hæfð ġeġearwod þām þe his willan on worolde ġewyrċað. [71] God ūre helpe. Amen.