Weeks of the year
[1] Efne seofon bēoð seofon; twīa seofon bēoð fēowertȳne; þrīwa seofon bēoð ān and twēntiġ; fēower sīðon seofon bēoð eahta and twēntiġ; fīf sīðon seofon bēoð fīf and þrīttiġ; syx sīðon seofon bēoð twā and fēowertiġ; seofon sīðon seofon bēoð nigon and fēowertiġ; eahta sīðon seofon bēoð siex and fīftiġ; nigon sīðon seofon bēoð þrēo and syxtiġ; tȳn sīðon seofon bēoð hundseofontiġ. [2] Twēntiġ sīðon seofon bēoð ān hund and fēowertiġ; þrīttiġ sīðon seofon bēoð twā hundred and tȳn; fēowertiġ sīðon seofon bēoð twā hundred and hundeahtatiġ; fīftiġ sīðon seofon bēoð þrēo hundred and fīftiġ. [3] Ġīt þǣr sind fīftȳne tō lāfe; tōdǣlað þā eall swā þā ōðre. [4] Twīa seofon bēoð fēowertȳne; nū þǣr is ān tō lāfe.