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The Martyrdom of Ælfheah

This extract from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle recounts events of the years 1011 and 1012, when a viking war-band besieged and entered Canterbury, sacked the city and captured many of its inhabitants, including monks and nuns. Among their captives was Ælfheah, archbishop of Canterbury, whom they seem to have expected the Church to ransom. When Ælfheah refused to allow ransom to be paid for him (perhaps because the Church’s finances were straitened at the time), the vikings brutally killed him. The present chronicler (probably a monk of St Augustine’s, Canterbury) saw the attack on Canterbury as a blow aimed at the very heart of the kingdom. The English responded to the murder by proclaiming the archbishop a martyr and saint; his day (19 April) was widely observed during the eleventh century.

For an edition of the manuscript from which this reading is taken, see O’Keeffe 2001.

Mille .xi. [1] Hēr on þissum ġēare sende se cyning and his witan ðām here and ġyrndon friðes, and him gafol and metsunge behēton wið þām ðe hiora herġunge ġeswicon. [2] hæfdon þā ofergān (.i.) Ēastengle and (.ii.) Ēastsexe and (.iii.) Middelsexe and (.iiii.) Oxenafordscīre and (.v.) Grantabricscīre and (.vi.) Heortfordscīre and (.vii.) Buccingahāmscīre and (.viii.) Bedefordscīre and (.ix.) healfe Huntadūnscīre and miċel (.x.) on Hamtūnscīre, and be sūþan Temese ealle Kentingas and Sūðsexe and Hæstingas and Sūðrīġe and Bearrocscīre and Hamtūnscīre and miċel on Wiltūnscīre. [3] Ealle þās unġesǣlða ūs ġelumpon þuruh unrǣdas, þæt man nolde him a tīman gafol bēodon oþþe wið ġefeohtan. [4] Ac þonne mǣst yfele ġedōn hæfdon, þonne nam mon frið and grið wið hī, and naþelǣs, for eallum þissum griðe and gafole, fērdon ǣġhweder flocmǣlum and heregodon ūre earme folc and rȳpton and slōgon. [5] And þā on ðissum ġēare betweox Natiuitas Sancte Marie and Sancte Michaeles mæssan ymbsǣton Cantwareburuh, and intō cōmon þuruh syruwrenċas, for ðan Ælmǣr beċyrde, þe se arcebisceop Ælfēah ǣr ġenerede æt his līfe. [6] And þǣr ðā ġenāman þone arcebisceop Ælfēah and Ælfweard cynges ġerēfan and Lēofrūne abbatissan and Godwine bisceop; and Ælfmǣr abbud lēton āweġ. [7] And ðǣr ġenāmon inne ealle þā ġehādodan men and weras and wīf, þæt wæs unāsecgendliċ ǣnigum men miċel þæs folces wæs, and on þǣre byriġ syþþan wǣron swā lange swā woldon. [8] And ðā hæfdon þā buruh ealle āsmēade, wendon him þā scypan and lǣddon þone arcebisceop mid him. [9] Wæs ðā rǣpling, se ðe ǣr wæs hēafod Angelkynnes and Cristendōmes. [10] Þǣr man mihte ðā ġesēon yrmðe þǣr man oft ǣr ġeseah blisse on þǣre earman byriġ þanon cōm ǣrest Cristendōm and blis for Gode and for worulde. [11] And hæfdon þone arcebisceop mid him swā lange þæne tīman þe hine ġemartiredon.

Mille .xii. [12] Hēr on þissum ġēare cōm Ēadriċ ealdorman and ealle þā yldestan witan, ġehādode and lǣwede, Angelcynnes Lundenbyriġ tōforan þām Ēastron. [13] Þā wæs Ēasterdæġ on þām datarum Idus Aprilis. [14] And ðǣr þā swā lange wǣron þæt gafol eal ġelǣst wæs ofer ðā Ēastron, þæt wæs ehta and fēowertiġ þūsend punda. [15] Ðā on þæne Sæternesdæġ wearð þā se here swȳðe āstyred anġēan þone bisceop, for þām ðe nolde him nān feoh behātan, ac forbēad þæt man nān þing wið him syllan ne mōste. [16] Wǣron ēac swȳþe druncene, for ðām þǣr wæs brōht wīn sūðan. [17] Ġenāmon þā ðone bisceop, lǣddon hine hiora hūstinge on ðone Sunnanǣfen octabas Pasce, þā wæs .xiii. kalendas Mai, and hine þǣr ðā bysmorlīċe ācwylmdon, oftorfedon mid bānum and mid hrȳþera hēafdum. [18] And slōh hine ðā ān hiora mid ānre æxe ȳre on þæt hēafod, þæt mid þām dynte nyþer āsāh, and his hāliġe blōd on þā eorðan fēol, and his hāligan sāwle Godes rīċe āsende. [19] And mon þone līċhaman on merġen ferode Lundene, and þā bisceopas Ēadnōþ and Ælfūn and sēo buruhwaru hine underfēngon mid ealre ārwurðnysse and hine bebyriġdon on Sancte Paules mynstre, and þǣr God sutelað þæs hālgan martires mihta. [20] Ðā þæt gafol ġelǣst wæs and friðāþas āsworene wǣron, þā tōfērde se here wīde swā ǣr ġegaderod wæs. [21] Ðā bugon þām cynge of ðām here fīf and fēowertiġ scypa, and him behēton þæt woldon þysne eard healdan, and fēdan sceolde and scrȳdan.